

Peralta Colleges Foundation Selects Four Students to Receive 2021 Oakland A’s Sports Management Endowed Scholarship Award

OAKLAND, Calif. — The Peralta Colleges Foundation has selected four students to receive the 2021 Oakland A’s Sports Management Endowed Scholarship Award. Sophia Butler (Laney College, Business Administration), Betselot Gulilat (College of Alameda, Business Administration), RJ Ishimaru (Berkeley City College, Business Administration), and Sabryna Sablan (Merritt College, General Business) will each receive a $1,000 scholarship to apply toward college tuition and expenses.


President’s Medallion Award Winners Spring 2021

One student from each college will be awarded the President’s Medallion, receive a $1000 scholarship and entry to the Chancellor’s Trophy Award. Candidates maintained a record of active participation and leadership in extra-curricular activities during their college attendance. Employment during this period is given proper consideration.


Book Club of California Offers Student Membership

The Book Club of California believes the best way to champion book and to celebrate it as a cultural treasure is to share all that they do. As they expand the bibliophilic community by preserving and promoting the history of the book and the book arts, they want to bring new and diverse voices into the conversations we have about design, printing, collecting, history, and more.


Propelling Your Career for the New Decade

Alumni, Community, Students – You are invited to register today for “Propelling Your Career for the New Decade” – a three part professional development series led by industry professionals, influencers and scholar practitioners, designed to level up your skills and knowledge to enhance your career advancement in the workforce.


Join Us 9/12: Annual Scholarship Gala Benefit

Join us on Thursday, September 12th @ Esports Arena for a remarkable evening to recognize and celebrate amazing scholars and committed supporters of Peralta Colleges – Berkeley City College, College of Alameda, Laney College and Merritt College.


2019 PeraltaGives Launch

Today, we are launching our 2019 PeraltaGives employee giving campaign – providing Peralta administrators, faculty, and staff the opportunity to further support the needs of the students we serve at College of Alameda, Berkeley City College, and Laney and Merritt colleges.Your contributions will benefit Peralta’s All-in-for-Students 2019 Scholarship Fund. Last year, the Foundation was able to award close to $92,000 in scholarships to our students.