
Consider A Gift Today!


  • Cash, Check, Credit Card
  • Recurring Gifts
  • Stock Gifts
  • Scholarships
  • Legacy Planning
  • Employee Payroll Deduction
  • In-Kind Donations
  • Legacy Planning

    Throughout our lifetime, most of us strive to make a difference in the lives of others, providing gifts to the people and causes we value. Wouldn’t it be nice to know that you could continue to change lives by documenting your wishes in your will or trust — creating a legacy of support for the causes most important to you?  By creating an endowment with the Peralta Colleges Foundation—or adding to our existing endowment—you can give a gift that lasts forever.

    That’s why our students, many of whom are first-generation college students, frequently need the assistance of a scholarship as they balance school, work, personal, and family responsibilities. While 70 percent of our students receive some type financial assistance, at the present time the Foundation can only assist a small fraction of these worthy students. We can increase our support with the help of the community. That’s why we need you.

    How It Works:

    You give cash, securities or other assets to an existing endowment or an endowment that you create with our organization.  If you are not in a position to give assets today, consider making the gift in your will or other estate plan, specifying that you would like your gift to be used to fund an endowment.

    • You determine if your endowment will be designated to fund a specific program or service, or given without restrictions to allow our board of directors to direct the fund to our most critical needs.

    • We use a small portion of the fund to support our mission, but the balance always remains invested in order to perpetuate the fund.  Both current and estate gifts can be restricted.  Within your restriction, gifts can be directed for scholarships, endowments, or programs.   Some common restrictions at Peralta Colleges include, but are not limited to:

    *Area of greatest need; 
    * Named or endowed scholarships; 
    * Individual college, program or initiative; 
    * Peralta Alumni Association.  

    Employee Giving

    Employees are the heart of Peralta Community Colleges. The efforts of our faculty and staff shape the lives of students, ensure the vitality of the college and strengthen our community.

    As members of the Peralta Community Colleges family, employees understand the many challenges faced by our students. By making a meaningful investment as an employee donor, you can take your work to another level and make a transformative difference in the lives of deserving students.

    Participating in the Employee Giving Campaign is easy and impactful. You can set up a monthly payroll deduction contribution, make a recurring gift by debit/credit card, or make a one-time donation.  Whichever way you decide to give, we would kindly ask for a minimum of $5.00 if you are committing to a monthly payroll donation or recurring credit card donation.

    Set up Your Employee Payroll Deduction Today!

    For questions or assistance in setting up or increasing your employee support, please contact the Peralta Colleges Foundation’s Development Manager, Riki White, Development Manager at the Peralta Colleges Foundation by email,

    Give Back

    If you want to give a gift that lasts forever, or have any questions regarding remembering Peralta, please contact Peralta Foundation Staff for more information.