August 3, 2020
Dear Partner;
These uncertain times call for our community to come together.
As you know, the recent deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and Rayshard Brooks, have spurred many to take a stand against racism and social injustice.
As horrific as they are, we truly believe that these tragedies are yielding a new understanding of the institutional racism that has plagued the African-American community since our nation’s founding.
A new study released last month exposed a dramatic lack of diversity in Silicon Valley tech companies. The study revealed that 10 large tech companies employed no Black women. Further, three large Silicon Valley tech companies have zero Black employees. The report also found that the vast majority of executive positions are filled by white employees.
One way to create the change we wish to see is to identify and address institutional inequities where they are found. As an answer to Bay Area Tech’s need, Peralta Colleges’ STEM students of color are equipping themselves to serve as the next generation workforce in high tech.
That’s why Peralta Colleges Foundation has launched this campaign.
Your company’s partnership at the $100,000 Innovator Level will be instrumental in closing the digital divide for students of color. Sponsors will help to create and enhance learning opportunities at the four Peralta Colleges— Merritt College, Laney College, Berkeley City College, and College of Alameda.
Benefits at this level include four (4) two-year SCHOLARSHIPS and featured speaking invitation and acknowledgement in lectures and events, e-newsletters, special press release, social media platforms, and on the Peralta Colleges Foundation’s website.
At Peralta Colleges, eight in 10 students are people of color. Many are first-generation college students, many of whom need the assistance of a scholarship as they balance school, work, personal, and family responsibilities.
The Peralta College Foundation’s aim is to support academic excellence and success by building partnerships in the region. The “Level the Playing Field” scholarships supported by our partners will help prepare African-American women and men for high tech jobs.
We think you will find of interest that our STEM Core focuses on computer science and also serves as a gateway for students interested in Cybersecurity Certificate and associate degree. Students in the cohort complete trigonometry and precalculus, as well as two computer programming courses.
We hope you agree that the time is right for us to work together and level the playing field, so that individuals, families, and communities—as well as corporations with vision—benefit from true diversity.
This is a crucial historical moment when we can come together and reimagine what true inclusion and equity looks like in our region’s high-tech corporations!
Thank you again for your time and consideration on serving as a sponsor in this very special campaign. I invite you to review the six (6) giving levels and associated benefits and choose the level that is right for your company. A sponsorship at any level will make a significant difference.
Thank you for considering this powerful investment in the lives and futures of talented African-American students from the Bay Area.
If I may answer any questions about this opportunity to partner with us, please do not hesitate to contact the Peralta Colleges Foundation Executive Director LaNiece Jones at 510-587-7809 or ljones@peralta.edu.
We look forward to connecting with you very soon.
Michael Bernick, Esq., Fundraising Co-Chair
Patricia Brooks, Fundraising Co-Chair
Board of Directors
Peralta Colleges Foundation
P.S. As a community leader in tech, your company can serve as a major catalyst for positive change through your investment in African-American STEM students. The result will be a vibrant stream of talent and diversity to serve Bay Area tech corporations.