Need to Apply for a Scholarship?
Scholarship season runs from October 1st - March 1st each year. Click below on the APPLY NOW button to get started. Your one application will automatically match up with the wide range of available scholarships managed by Peralta Colleges Foundation.
Student Scholarship Workshop Winners
Southwest Airline Roundtrip Tickets
"The scholarship workshop was awesome! I learned a lot and it helped me with my writing skills. Everyone should attend. Not only did I join the workshop, I won a Southwest Airlines roundtrip ticket. I am excited and thankful. "

"Huge thanks to the foundation for hosting a truly helpful scholarship application workshop. I now feel more confident to write my personal statement and complete for the first time a scholarship application. Plus winning round trip Southwest airline tickets... I am so grateful."

Community colleges have long provided a gateway to higher education, but that gateway has become more difficult to access. Costs to attend community college have doubled since 2006. A student who enrolled full time in a community college will pay an estimated $1,500 per semester for fees, books and supplies that go beyond tuition. The students who attend the Peralta Colleges tend to be low-income, with at approximately 70 percent qualifying for financial assistance, but this assistance falls short of making a college education affordable for many. Gifts from alumni, employees, committed citizens, corporations and foundations help many students lacking financial resources achieve their educational and career goals.
We have 100+ scholarship funds created by friends, family and faculty of Peralta Colleges, as well as community partners who are passionate about building the next generation of workforce leaders.
The Peralta Colleges Foundation awards on average $175,000 in scholarships annually.

In partnership with The PepsiCo Foundation and its national community college initiative focused on increasing scholarship opportunities for the most at-risk students across the country, Peralta Colleges Foundation received a 2-year $500,000 grant award to support the students enrolled in Peralta Community College District – Laney College, Merritt College, College of Alameda and Berkeley City College.
Peralta Colleges Foundation was selected as 1 of 14 community college systems in the United States and 2nd in California to be added to this growing scholarship program. The partnership aims to increase workforce opportunities for qualified students enrolled in Associates Degree or Professional Certificate Programs scholarships to pursue careers within high-demand high-wage fields
SCHOLARSHIP SPOTLIGHT: Endowment Fund: The Oakland Athletics Scholar Program
“The Oakland A’s financial commitment to the Peralta Colleges Foundation is another example of our positive impact in our community,” said A’s President Dave Kaval. “We are excited to support the Peralta Colleges workforce development programs for East Bay students.”
Learn more about careers at the Oakland Athletics –

Investing in Peralta students annually
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Scholarships awarded annually
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In scholarships annually delivered between the four Peralta Colleges
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Of students receive some amount of aid
The Peralta Colleges Foundation is committed to ...

PCF is committed to providing students with access to post-secondary education so they can complete college to be prepared for a successful career.Your contribution to a Peralta Colleges Foundation Career Technical Education (CTE) Scholarship Fund will ensure that students gain the skills and resources required to compete in today’s growing job market.
Please join us in supporting students pursuing their dream job in a career of their choosing. Together, we can ensure that Peralta students have the expectations, resources, and skills to complete college and embark on a successful career.
Join us in making a student’s career dream come true by making a tax-deductible donation today.