PCF Covid-19 Response


During these challenging times, the Peralta Colleges Foundation is committed to supporting our students, their families, and our communities with pertinent information and resources for your reference.     

PCF COVID-19 Crisis Impact Fund

In response to COVID-19, Peralta Colleges Foundation has created an emergency fund to support the students of Peralta Colleges – Laney, Merritt, College of Alameda and Berkeley City College.

Due to the onset of COVID-19 many students instability has increased facing food and housing insecurity, as well as in need of critical supplies like laptop computers and Internet access to participate in remote distance learning being offered by the campuses.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Foundation’s fundraising goal amount?

For Phase Two:  Our goal is to raise at least $50,000 for the students of Peralta Colleges – Laney, Merritt, College of Alameda and Berkeley City College. 

We are grateful to all the corporate and foundation partners, PCCD faculty, administration and staff, and individual donors who have helped in Phase One to start the fund totally a little over to $200,000.

Donors (partial listing):  Stupski Foundation, East Bay Community Foundation, Comcast, United Way Bay Area, AB&I Foundry, Autodesk, and Comcast.   A huge thank you for your partnership.

What are the criteria to apply for the COVID-19 emergency funding?

  1. Be a currently enrolled in at least 12 units at one of the Peralta Colleges
  2. Be in need of essential supplies to participate in classes such as require a laptop, internet access and/or need financial assistance to pay for basic necessities such as rent and food.

How will students apply for the funds?

The Foundation in partnership with College campus leadership – Presidents, VP of Student Services and Student Life Directors will invite students to apply.  

Students will complete the COVID-19 Google survey form to collect their responses.

How much can students receive?

Eligible students who complete the application will receive $150.00.

How will the funds be distributed?

The Foundation typically writes checks for scholarships, as this is the best practice for auditing purposes. However we are checking to see if we can send award monies via PayPal, Cash or Venmo.

If you have more requests than funds, how will you determine who gets the funds?

We will use the “first come first served” model for awarding.

Who is monitoring the distribution?

Peralta Colleges Foundation staff.  Any questions email mashariki.white@peralta.edu.