Money Talks: Benefits of the PepsiCo Foundation Scholarship

Congratulations again on your scholarship from the PepsiCo Foundation! 

As a reminder, you  are eligible to receive information on financial basics through the program: Money Talks. The  new year brings new opportunities for you to kickstart healthy financial habits. Start this year off  right by taking advantage of the Money Talks program. 

To access the program’s site, please visit the Money Talks microsite. You’ll need to enter  some brief information (i.e., Name, Email) in order to enter the site. 

Once on the site, you will find virtual courses and tip sheets that provide an overview of some  key financial concepts to keep in mind as you move through different phases of your life. They  also provide you with practical suggestions on how to create good financial habits and keep  them in your lifestyle. Starting now will help avoid problems in the future. The courses  correspond to the topics below: 

  • Budgeting, Saving, and Managing Your Debt 
  • Establishing a Credit Score 
  • Early Career 

While you review these resources, think about your situation: What are your financial concerns?  Goals? What are you trying to achieve and how do you plan to get there?  

You can work directly with a financial coach to get started on making a plan to achieve your  financial goals. You will have access to three calls with a PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers)  Financial Coach to discuss your personal situation. You can request your first call by emailing A coach will be assigned to you for your first call and you  will schedule your other calls directly with them. 

Not sure where to begin? Feel free to send us an email with any questions and we’ll help you  get started. We look forward to helping you establish a strong financial foundation.