2023/24 Scholarship Impact Report
Funding educational dreams
In the last five years, the Peralta Colleges Foundation has awarded over $900,000 in scholarships to the industrious & talented students at Peralta Community Colleges – Berkeley City College, College of Alameda, Laney College and Merritt College.
The Foundation manages scholarships that are pivotal in creating meaningful opportunities for students of all ages, including helping undocumented, underprivileged and homeless students achieve their dreams. Funding for our scholarships comes from contributions to Peralta Colleges Foundation which ensures that quality, affordable higher education is available to every member of our community.

PCF 2023/24 at a Glance
Scholarship award recipient data.
364Scholarships Awarded
100+Scholarship Funds
469Applications Submitted
77%First In Family to Graduate From High School
52%Yearly Income is Less Than $20,000
Student Data Data represents students who were awarded a scholarship through PCF’s online application

What was the best part of the scholarship review process?
"I loved reading the heartfelt expressions of others esspecially those with adversity different than mine! I have never dealt with being a single parent or non english speaking or an immigrant. I am interested in those stories that help me appreciate the intersectionality of others. This increased my empathy."
Alicia N.VOLUNTEER SCHOLARSHIP REVIEWER "Entire process was very clear and easy, Rubric was an excellent tool. Ability to review at my own pace/time was extremely helpful."
Kimberly L.VOLUNTEER SCHOLARSHIP REVIEWER "Reading about what they wanted to do in the future and how they could help the community."
Julia M.VOLUNTEER SCHOLARSHIP REVIEWER "Hearing our student's stories and backgrounds. There were very memorable life, changing stories."
Annie L.VOLUNTEER SCHOLARSHIP REVIEWER "To read through the applications, essays and find out how many students we were able to support! "
Claudia Q.VOLUNTEER SCHOLARSHIP REVIEWER "The feeling that I was making a difference."
Lauren F.VOLUNTEER SCHOLARSHIP REVIEWER "Reading students' essays; I enjoy reading about their experiences and critical moments in their lives that have shaped who they have become and their goals."
Isela S.VOLUNTEER SCHOLARSHIP REVIEWER "In reviewing the applications, I got to feel their motivation for education and using education to for service to others and to support their families."
Charles M.VOLUNTEER SCHOLARSHIP REVIEWER "The variety of student applicants."
V. Toni A.VOLUNTEER SCHOLARSHIP REVIEWER "Learning “secretly” about all the good that students are doing and all the triumphs."
Minerva P.VOLUNTEER SCHOLARSHIP REVIEWER "Learning about our students life situations."
Marianne M.VOLUNTEER SCHOLARSHIP REVIEWER "Witnessing the level of commitment, determination and resilience...incredibly inspiring!"
Carla K.VOLUNTEER SCHOLARSHIP REVIEWER "Looking at the beautiful stories was a great part of the review process."